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Your LEI number is indispensable for
our relationship. You will get it by

Welcome to your test.

You will receive by e-mail Login and Password
of our LIVE account and its information.

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Please fill in the Last name - first name field is required.

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Please fill in the Function field is required.

Please choose a Single Amount is required.

Please fill in the IBAN and BIC fields are required.

Please fill in the IBAN field is required.

Please fill in the IBAN field is invalid.

Please fill in the BIC field is required.

Please fill in the BIC field is invalid.

Please enter YES FOR 10M and YES BANK TRANSFER.

Please fill in the Financial intermediary Name field is required.

Please fill in the Website field is required.

Please fill in the Platform used field is required.

Please fill in the Host name FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the Current IP address FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the Port Plain text FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the SSL Port FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the SenderCompID FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the TargetCompID FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the SenderSubID FIX API QUOTE field is required.

Please fill in the Host name FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the Current IP address FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the Port Plain text FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the SSL Port FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the SenderCompID FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the TargetCompID FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please fill in the SenderSubID FIX API TRADE field is required.

Please write YES WE ACCEPT.

Please the YES WE ACCEPT field is invalid.

Please complete your information
in the following sections:

To your titles

To your bank account

To your trading account

If needed information use CONTACT.

Welcome to Picotin

You will receive a copy of your contract by e-mail

Please enter YES FOR 10 000.

Please enter YES FOR 1M.

Please enter YES FOR 10M.


in last 52 Weeks
+17,987 Total net pips
≃ $935 Net pip value

Qty net pips / Week
+212.80 24/20
+139.40 24/19
+485.40 24/18
+368.40 24/17
+351.80 24/16
+348.80 24/15
+246.60 24/14
+169.00 24/13
+286.80 24/12
+168.80 24/11
+250.20 24/10
+210.00 24/09
+252.80 24/08
+200.00 24/07
+187.40 24/06
+476.20 24/05
+382.80 24/04
+348.00 24/03
+441.60 24/02
+493.20 24/01
+Holiday 23/52
+338.20 23/51
+561.40 23/50
+483.00 23/49
+443.00 23/48
+306.60 23/47
+425.20 23/46
+259.20 23/45
+572.20 23/44
+460.20 23/43
+425.40 23/42
+421.00 23/41
+566.40 23/40
+373.00 23/39
+433.80 23/38
+448.40 23/37
+267.00 23/36
+517.40 23/35
+541.20 23/34
+437.40 23/33
+Holiday 23/32
+Holiday 23/31
+Holiday 23/30
+376.6 23/29
+421.6 23/28
+510.2 23/27
+375.2 23/26
+414.6 23/25
+509.6 23/24
+237.8 23/23
+520.6 23/22
+321.4 23/21
+317.4 23/20
+422.8 23/19
+701.6 23/18
+640.2 23/17
+442.6 23/16
+492.4 23/15
+466.8 23/14
+433.2 23/13
+749.2 23/12
+1,082.6 23/11
+567.8 23/10
+500.4 23/09
+385.8 23/08
+779.6 23/07
+610.8 23/06
+1,024.8 23/05
+646.0 23/04
+733.2 23/03
+953.0 23/02
+942.8 23/01
+468.2 22/52
+740.6 22/51
+1,162.2 22/50
+959.4 22/49
+1,613.6 22/48
+719.2 22/47
+1,594.6 22/46
+1,408.0 22/45
+1,330.8 22/44
+1,161.8 22/43
+1,134.0 22/42
+1,378.8 22/41
+1,228.8 22/40
+2,178.0 22/39
+1,130.2 22/38
+1,052.6 22/37
+1,088.2 22/36
+1,015.0 22/35
+965.8 22/34
+538.6 22/33
+Holiday 22/32
+Holiday 22/31
+Holiday 22/30
+1,446.2 22/29
+1,260.8 22/28
+930.4 22/27
+800.8 22/26
+727.4 22/25
+1,447.8 22/24
+805.2 22/23
+554.0 22/22
+673.2 22/21
+717.0 22/20
+946.0 22/19
+1,200.4 22/18
+1,017.2 22/17
+562.4 22/16
+583.4 22/15
+528.0 22/14
+817.0 22/13
+407.6 22/12
+1,046.4 22/11
+1,733.0 22/10
+1,037.6 22/09
+878.4 22/08
+518.4 22/07
+693.4 22/06
+655.6 22/05
+416.6 22/04
+254.2 22/03
+345.2 22/02
+408.8 22/01

Site consultable from desktop computer during maintenance. Picotin LTD - London ENGLAND
Active in 5 Continents
LEI N° 98450000I5T12L0E7452

A new financial service for professionals
Net return $16.81M / $0.5M deposit Level 30  R.O.I  33/1
Result as of May 17, 2024 of the last 52 weeks (1 year)
In complete security and minor risk , if it was not the truth in 24 hours we would lose our Customers.

We are WINNER every day of the year
in complete safety with a minor risk since
January 1, 2022 until these days of 2024

Result of 12 years of research.
Except 1 day on March 15, 2024 we lost 5 pips...

2022       Net RETURN  42 M$  /  0,5 M$ DEPOSIT     R.O.I  84/1  
2023       Net RETURN  23 M$  /  0,5 M$ DEPOSIT     R.O.I  46/1  
These results following the volatility created by the war in Ukraine.

2024 should have a normal R.O.I of 17/1  to  25/1.

Our 8 safeties:

  1. At any time without notice or penalty, the Client can immediately end their relationship with us, this is his best guarantee.
  2. Our orders must create GAINS for Client because we will not have a honorary if you do not make net gains.
  3. With our free 3 weeks TEST on one of our LIVE (real) accounts, you will have proof of the reality of the results of our next orders, no past result guaranteeing future results. Only after these proofs, our service provider contract can be signed.
  4. We do not receive or manage any of your funds and have no relationship with your "Brokers, Banks, etc." for your account.
  5. We cannot withdraw any money from your trading account.
  6. Following your instructions as a client: All your orders will be "Market Orders", only in "EUR/USD", with "Stop Order", without "Martingale" and no orders created or positions opened 60 seconds before and after the time of the FED interest rate decision. Your instructions match the logic of our algorithms "do not play but work safely with minor risk for positive results EVERY DAY of the year".

Our clients ASSET MANAGERS, HEDGE FUNDS, Large CORPORATES mission us to create their EUR/USD orders in the trading account that they have or will have with their financial intermediary (Bank, Broker, etc.) against our 5% honoraries, only on NET gains made. This account will have the equivalent of $10,000 to $0.5 million in credit and a lever of 30.

07 A very progressive Pip amount of your orders:

" ≃ $1 USD Pip" weeks 1 to 3 " with the “YES FOR 10,000” contract.
The important thing is that you see again with your real account the number of positive Pips made by our orders. During these 3 weeks we will only create orders with a positive or negative Pip value of "≃ $1 USD" and we will not have any honorary. Example: if an order makes a variation of 20 positive pips you gain ≃ $20 USD and the reverse if 20 negative pips. Your account must be provisioned for the equivalent of "$1,000 $USD" and benefit from a leverage of 30 which will allow to validate orders of 10,000 EUR/USD. If negative result of the first 3 weeks, WE WILL REFUND YOU for this improbable loss!

" ≃ $100 USD Pip" weeks 4 to 6 " with the “YES FOR 1M” contract.
After the positive observation of weeks 1 to 3, following your confirmation we will create orders whose value of the positive or negative Pip will be " ≃ $100 USD", and we will not have any honorary. Example: if an order makes a variation of 20 positive pips you gain ≃ $2,000 USD and the reverse if 20 negative pips. Your account must be provisioned or guaranteed in agreement with your Broker for the equivalent of "$0.1M $USD" and benefit from a leverage of 30 which will allow to validate orders of 1M EUR/USD.
If the Client wishes to switch to "YES FOR 10M" orders with the gains from the "YES FOR 1M" orders, he can extend the 3 weeks with the orders of the "YES 1M TO 8M" contract until his trading account is in credit of $0.5M in return for a honorary of 10%.

" ≃ $1,000 USD Pip" as of week 7" with the “YES FOR 10M” contract.
After the positive observation of weeks 1 to 6, following your confirmation we will only create orders of 10M whose value of the positive or negative Pip will be "≃ $1.000 USD", with 5% honorary. Example: if an order makes a variation of 20 positive pips you earn "≃ $20.000 USD" and the reverse if 20 negative pips. Your account(s) must be provisioned or guaranteed in agreement with your Broker by the equivalent of "$0.5M $USD" per account and benefit from a leverage of 30 per account which will enable orders of 10M EUR/USD per account to be validated.

IMPORTANT POSSIBILITY: Being a winner every day of the year, the negative PIC of daily transactions having never been greater than 17 pips since 01/01/2022 until these days of 2024, your financial intermediary after having noted it for 2 to 3 months, should be able to replace your deposit with a bank guarantee issued by a leading bank.

08. Without honorary for the first 6 weeks:

Our honoraries: 5% of the NET weekly gain only on "YES for 10M" transactions.
No honorary on the 3 weeks "YES for 10,000" and "YES for 1M" transactions.

NET weekly gain = Positive trades minus negative trades minus commissions from your broker. If the net result for the week is negative, it is deducted from the NET Gain for the following week(s).
Settled by automatic bank transfer on the Monday following the week the positions are closed.

Real test (live) 3 weeks

After 3 weeks of free testing with one
of our real accounts (LIVE) you will have:

- the amount of net positive pips made
- the answer to all your questions.

* Please fill in the fields with an asterisk
By clicking on the "Yes for test" button we want to do the test for free without obligation or liability.

Contract                                                                 please read from desktop

Only after having done the free 3 weeks TEST, the contract below can be accepted.


Picotin LTD
20-22, wenlock Road
London N1 7GU - ENGLAND

LEI N° 98450000I5T12L0E7452
Compagny N°08234580
SIC N° 99999 (2024/09/01 N°70229)
* Please fill in the fields with an asterisk
Named: " Picotin LTD " Named: " Client "
This contract determines the relations and obligations between the "Client" and "Picotin LTD" they have full powers for this contract.
We "client" for our trading account indicated in chapter "4. Our trading account":
  1. Let us give exclusive mission to: "Picotin LTD" in its capacity as a service provider with the "SIC activity 70229 Management consultancy activities other than financial management", to create and validate according to our instructions orders for FOREX "EUR/USD" transactions with our trading account that we created with our financial intermediary without any advice, assistance or incentive from Picotin LTD. Being agreed and expressly accepted by "Picotin LTD" that we "Client" can stop this mission at any time WITHOUT NOTICE OR PENALTY by simply changing our username and/or password or by any other means.

  2. Our instructions:
    - Each transaction for its amount will be composed of "Entry" and "Exit" order(s) composed of ONE or MORE "Market Order", of the currency pair "EUR/USD" with "Stop Order" and without no "Martingale".
    - Being fully aware during high market volatility that the Stop Order for a position risks being executed beyond its limit by our financial intermediary or by the market, "Picotin LTD" will not create any order opening a transaction and will not hold any active position 60 seconds before and after the time of the "FED" (Federal Reserve System- United States) interest rate decision.
    - "Picotin LTD" will create and validate, at the times of its choice, all purchase or sale transactions and for the Stop Order the quantity of pips that it will set and for the amount, the amount indicated in chapter "4. Our trading account".

  3. We expressly authorize "Picotin LTD": With our trading account indicated in chapter "4. Our trading account":
    - To create EUR/USD transaction orders following our instructions in chapter 2 above.
    - To use any mode of transmission and communication that our trading account has for transaction orders as well as for EUR/USD quotes.
    - To import the quotes of the EUR/USD currency pair corresponding to our trading account.
    - To access the trading platform corresponding to our account.
    - To import the statements from our trading account to establish the amount of honoraries due to "Picotin LTD".

  4. Our trading account:
    We "Client" will open with our financial intermediary (Brokers, Banks, etc.) a blank trading account allowing us to validate transaction orders in the EUR/USD currency pair, this account will have the following specificities:
    - "FIX API TRADING" & "FIX API QUOTES" - ECN spot (Electronic Communication Network) - STP (Straight-through processing) - Account: HEDGED - Maxi leverage any volume: 1:30 - Margin: 50% - Fair Stop Out: YES - ECN Spot Professional, only with Million(s):First Million closest to 0,00000 / 0,00001 VERY ACTIVE - Communication:FIX - Professional Depth of Market With ECN Spot Professional, only with Million(s) - Symbol base asset: EUR - Quote asset: USD - Minimum change:0,00001 - Pip position: 4 - Minimum trade volume: $1 000 USD - Maximum trade volume:$10 000 000 USD - Fixed commission per million $USD, by transaction < 10M:$15 USD In + $15 USD Out - Fixed commission per million $USD, by transaction >= 10M:$10 USD In + $10 USD Out

    We "Client" choose hereafter ONLY ONE AMOUNT of transaction for this contract. If later we choose a new amount or amendment, it will be the subject of a new contract.

    Only after doing the 3 weeks Free Real Test, you will be able to do the 3 weeks at 10,000 EUR/USD.

    By writing in the box opposite YES FOR 10,000 we want you to create under the conditions of this contract the ENTRY and EXIT orders for all transactions of 10,000 EUR/USD for 3 weeks, by only creating ONE transaction at a time without honorarie. From today and for these weeks our trading account will have in credit the equivalent of >= 1,000 $USD

    Only after doing the 3 weeks at 10,000 EUR/USD, you can do the 3 weeks at 1M EUR/USD.

    By writing in the box opposite YES FOR 1M we want you to create under the conditions of this contract the ENTRY and EXIT orders for all transactions of 1M EUR/USD for 3 weeks, by only creating ONE transaction at a time without honorarie. From today and for these weeks our trading account will have in credit the equivalent of >= 100,000 $USD

    Future Clients only having an availability of $100,000, we "Picotin LTD" favor them in order to be able to place orders YES FOR 10M
    with winnings from YES 1M TO 8M transactions shown below, they will be able to extend these transactions until their trading account
    is 0.5M in credit. Our goal: for them to reach YES FOR 10M transactions.
    In the case of the slightest withdrawal of gain moving away the credit of 0.5M excluding the withdrawals to pay our honoraries, we will
    stop our services without any penality for the "Client" and "Picotin LTD".

    Only after doing the 3 weeks at 1M EUR/USD, you can reach

    "YES FOR 10M" orders with earnings from "YES 1M TO 8M" orders.

    By writing in the box opposite YES 1M TO 8M we want you to create under the conditions of this contract the ENTRY and
    EXIT orders for all the following transactions, by only creating ONE transaction at a time with honoraries. As of today our
    trading account has in credit the equivalent of >= 100,000 $USD.

    As soon as our trading account has the equivalent of:
                 >= 100 000 à 199 999 $USD, "Picotin LTD" will only create orders for transactions of 1M EUR/USD,
                 >= 200 000 à 299 999 $USD, "Picotin LTD" will only create orders for transactions of 4M EUR/USD,
                 >= 300 000 à 399 999 $USD, "Picotin LTD" will only create orders for transactions of 6M EUR/USD,
                 >= 400 000 à 499 999 $USD, "Picotin LTD" will only create orders for transactions of 8M EUR/USD,

    In return, we expressly agree to pay "Picotin LTD" honoraries at the rate of 10% plus VAT from the first winnings, according to the modalities of paragraph "PAYMENT OF HONORARIES" of chapter 7.HONORARIES, we "Client" expressly authorize our bank to pay to "Picotin LTD" by immediate automatic transfer, the costs of which are at our expense, the amount of his honoraries that he will have transmitted to them.

    In the case of the slightest withdrawal of winnings moving away from the credit of 0.5M excluding the withdrawals to pay our honoraries, we "Client" expressly accept that "Picotin LTD" can stop its services without any penalty for the "Client" and "Picotin LTD".

    Only after having done the 3 weeks at 1M EUR/USD or the orders at YES 1M TO 8M, you will be able to do the following weeks at 10M EUR/USD.

    By writing in the box opposite YES FOR 10M we want you to create under the conditions of this contract the ENTRY(s) and EXIT(s) orders for all transactions at 10M EUR/USD, by only creating ONE transaction at a time with honoraries.
    From today and for the following weeks our trading account will have in credit the equivalent of >= 0.5M $USD.

    In return, by entering in the box opposite "YES BANK TRANSFER", we expressly agree to pay the honoraries of "Picotin LTD" at the rate of 5% plus VAT from the first winnings, according to the terms of the paragraph "PAYMENT OF HONORARIES" of chapter 7. HONORARIES, we "Client" expressly authorize our bank to pay "Picotin LTD" the amount of its fees that it will have transmitted to them, by immediate automatic transfer, the costs of which are at our expense.

    We "CLIENT" let's enter the data from our trading account with our financial intermediary in each
    file to be downloaded to login and to password and send them to you not together but each for:

    Login file to       Password file to

    Our "YES FOR 10M" contract having lasted >= 4 weeks of 1 transaction at the same time:

    Always with the equivalent of >= 0.5 M $USD to the credit of our trading account, by entering in the box opposite "YES Amendment 1", we expressly ask you to create up to 2 "YES FOR 10M" transactions at the same time. We have changed our trading account leverage to 1/50 instead of 1/30 this is the only change to our current contract "YES FOR 10M".

  5. We "Client" prohibit ourselves for our trading account:    In order not to disturb the transaction orders of "Picotin LTD", for the duration of its mission.
    - To create or delete by ourselves or by any third party any order, any position and any transaction.
    - To create or cause to be created: all copies, duplications, communications and others, of all orders and or of all transactions to all third parties directly or indirectly, whatever the means used, mirrors or others.
    - To use any internal or external robots.
    - To send all e-mails.
    - And more generally any transaction or action that could harm our interests as well as the interests of "Picotin LTD".

  6. Honoraries and Participation in return for our mission: We expressly accept as indicated in chapter :
    "7. HONORARIES": The percentage, the methods of calculation and payment of the fees of "Picotin LTD".
    "8. FIXED PARTICIPATION “PRIVATE-PUBLIC RELATIONS”. The amount and method of payment.

    We "Picotin LTD" for the trading account of the "Client" indicated in Chapter 4. Our trading account:

    - We expressly accept that the "Client" may terminate his relationship with us "Picotin LTD" WITHOUT NOTICE OR PENALTY at any time.
    - We engage our responsibility if we do not respect the conditions of this contract.
    - If the result is negative during the 3 weeks of the "YES FOR 10,000" orders, a check for the negative amount will be sent to you.
    - We act solely as a service provider for the Client's mission and instructions, having SIC activity 70229 Management consultancy activities other than financial
    - We do not provide any financial advice, nor any Forex trading advice to the Client.
    - We do not manage or administer the "Client's" account at any time.
    - We will not receive or manage any funds from the "Client's" account.
    - We have no relationship with financial intermediaries (Brokers, Banks, etc.) on behalf of the "Client".
    - We cannot make any withdrawal of money from the "Client" account.
    - We expressly accept the above mission of the "Client" in return for the honoraries below.

  7. HONORARIES: On 3 weeks trade orders at "YES FOR 10,000" and "YES FOR 1M", no honoraries.
    On all "YES FOR 10M" Transactions 5% of the weekly NET gain made by the Transaction orders plus VAT at the current rate.
    On all "YES 1M TO 8M" Transactions, 10% of the weekly NET gain made by the Transactions orders plus VAT at the prevailing rate.
    They are calculated in EURO for each order for clients whose country indicated in the contract has the euro as its national currency and other clients in US Dollar.

    - DEFINITION OF WEEKLY NET GAIN: Positive transactions less negative transactions less commissions from the "Client's" financial intermediary.
    - If the NET result for the week is negative, it is deducted from the NET gain for the following week(s).

    - PAYMENT OF HONORARIES: Each honoraries amount transmitted by "Picotin LTD" to the "Client" bank will be paid by immediate automatic bank transfer at the "Client" expense, it is transmitted on the Monday following the week in which the transactions are closed. The "Client" bank account will have the same titles as his legal name indicated at the top of the contract as well as his LEI number.

    - HONORARIES INVOICE / TRANSACTION STATEMENT: Every Monday you will receive the honoraries invoice including the transaction statement by email. It corresponds to the amount of the bank transfer provided for in the PAYMENT HONORARIES paragraph. In the event of a possible error, please send us an e-mail to indicating only: your Picotin customer number and the number of the week of the statement in which you believe there is an error. If it is proven, you will be credited within the week by bank transfer at our expense.

    This is $15,000 plus VAT at the current rate, it is due as soon as your earnings exceed this. It will be paid the week following your winnings by immediate automatic bank transfer. His invoice will be sent to you by email.

      We "Client" expressly authorize our bank to pay to "Picotin LTD" the FIXED PARTICIPATION "PRIVATE-PUBLIC RELATIONS of $15,000 plus VAT" of which "Picotin LTD" will have transmitted to them the amount, by immediate automatic transfer, the costs of which are our responsibility.
  9. DURATION OF CONTRACT: The duration of this contract starts from the acceptance of the contract until the end of the mission, i.e.:

    - By the "Client" by simply changing his username and/or password or by any other means.
    - Or by "Picotin LTD" by non-validation of a transaction for 3 consecutive weeks.
  10. DISPUTE: If there is a dispute between the parties, the "Client" and "Picotin LTD" expressly accept the sole jurisdiction of the courts of the registered office of "Picotin LTD".

    We "Picotin LTD" having written YES WE ACCEPT, expressly accept without reservation the entire contract.

    We "Client" registering in the box opposite YES WE ACCEPT, expressly accept without reservation the entire contract.


    After "Send contract by 3 clicks" you will receive its copy by e-mail.

Asset Managers Special

You will be able to create in your name or in the name of your clients up to FIVE “YES FOR 10M” contracts per natural or legal person. In order to keep internet latency as close to zero for the speed of order transmission IN/OUT of transactions, each contract will have an individual trading account for each contract..

In this case you and your customers will no longer have to do the "TEST", "YES FOR 10,000" and "YES FOR 1 M" phases when the first contract from "YES FOR 10M" will have already done these phases.
